On July 31, 2014 at San Pascual, Obando, Bulacan, a 49 year old former OFW in Middle East named Chinita Roxas, who was 15 years separated from her former husband and has 3 offsprings, has made the internet as her hobby as she is typically alone in her house everyday. She logs in everyday to her Facebook account that led to a Foreign National adding her as friend in Facebok. ” I accepted him then he said, “Hi Chin, Thank you so much for accepting me and hope we’ll be good friends!”. I replied, Okay no problem.” Chinita said. But unbeknown to her that this acceptance and chatting with this foreigner will lead to an unexpected unfortunate events in her life. Both Chinita and the foreigner has conciled their feelings thru online chatting which formed into a romance. The formed romance was made known to Chinita’s 27 year old son named Danny. Danny is a Red Carp on Fish Port. He may profit very little but still managed to set aside an amount from his salary so that his mom is able to rent in a computer shop regularly. “This is the first time i found my Mom happy, since the separation from my dad and i agreed to it for her happiness,” Danny said. Danny who profits P300.00 everyday from working starting from 11:00 pm till the afternoon the next day for six times a week. Having a hard and heavy work everyday, it is sad that he and his Mom will fall to ba a victim of a scam from sweet promises. One day, the foreigner told Chinita that he will send her a gift as a token of appreciation for the good things happening to him since he knew her. ” He said i will send you Cellphone, Laptap, one set of Jewelry, Perfume and an Engagement Ring.” He also said that he has included money worth, $45,000 inside the package,” Chinita said. After 3 days, Chinita received a call: (Here’s the conversation of the caller and Chinita) Caller: Hello, Mrs. Chinita? Chinita: Yes? Caller: I just want to inform you that our company already received your package. ” I need to pay local fees,” Chinita said. The company who is suppose to deliver the package was asking for P45,000.00 from her. And because it is about the Love of her Mom even if it is a huge amount, Danny found a way to get the money that they were requiring of his Mom. Danny borrowed from his Boss in the Fish Port and as the boss trusted Danny he lent him the money. After depositing the money to the Bank account given by the caller, the package still did not come. The Caller said, ” Just wait for it Ma’am, as the customs has detected something in your package, an envelope that is not known.” Chinita said. Almost half an hour has passed when the caller called again, this time it seems that the caller is daunting her saying that it is very important for you to pay us. We already detected what is inside the envelope. Did you know how much money we detected ?It is $43,000. Do you know that this is a big case?” Chinita recalled. When Chinta went to BOC or Bureau Of Customs where the caller said that her package from her Foreigner Boyfriend is at, that is where they have discovered they are a victim of a scam. ” I am so hopeless, my son has a big debt from his Boss and the interest keeps on growing. Now how are we going to live?, ” Chinita said.
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