ASAP XV, originally known as simply A.S.A.P. (All-Star Sunday Afternoon Party) is a Philippine noontime Musical Variety Show aired by ABS-CBN. The show is presented by its main hosts Zsa Zsa Padilla, Martin Nievera, Vina Morales and Gary Valenciano. The show is broadcast from ABS-CBN Studio 10, the network's biggest studio, in Quezon City. Showbiz godfather Johnny Manahan directs the Sunday musical-variety show.
Balitanghali is the noontime newscast of GMA News TV in the Philippines. The newscast is also heard simultaneously on Super Radyo DZBB 594 every weekends. The newscast is anchored by Pia Arcangel and Raffy Tima during weekdays and Mariz Umali and Jun Veneracion during weekends. It also aired worldwide via GMA Life TV.